Operation Youth Build


Tutors / mentors over 1000 youth per year in STEM, A.I. and coding

Operation Youth Build (OYB) serves over 1000 low income, minority, and at risk youth (6-15 year olds) per year in our facility in St. Louis, Missouri and online now, due to the pandemic. TUAC defines at risk youth as young people that require temporary or ongoing intervention in order to succeed academically.

OYB not only tutors’ youth in STEM, A. I., and coding in our facility, but mentors them as well. This program was primarily established to help such youth go on to college or trade school and remain out of gangs and the penal system. OYB functions yearly, while school is in session and during the summer months as a computer camp as well.

We at TUAC believe that education is key in making our youth more productive and self-sufficient in their lives and careers. We at TUAC also believe that "it does take a village to raise a child." With everyone in a community doing their part to help mentor and educate our youth, all of our futures will be that much brighter. OYB operates both online as well as in our facility. 

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